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Dharma Group: ₩72,968, 679 donors.
DGCC: ₩4,464
Dvorsky Institute
Usage Veren: ₩63,936, 684 donors


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Video to open your eyes
by zars
Mon Aug 20th, 2250 at 00:45:42 MST

Funny (and true) video about the state of affairs on this planet. Uses a pre-sectoral remix of a presidential speech very similar to what we have now:

I highly recommend all DailyZars readers to watch this, it explains exactly why it is imperative to support the Veren campaign. Letting the SIGMACRATIC regime keep their tight grip on the Interior Ministry is the worst possible outcome for continued human progress. We need to kick this government out of power no matter what, or else they'll just keep arresting and killing political opponents. Nepi was just the first shot fired, just wait until they go after Culver and Ronaldson, or even try to purge the government by arresting Veren or, progress forbid, Cocinov.

Would urge you all to look into the truth around the Veren assassination because there's a lot that the government isn't telling us...

SIGMACRATS :: Link & Discuss (32 comments)

When Koko Joe was right
by zars
Sun Aug 19th, 2250 at 23:48:46 EDT

Our lovely Permanent Representative is a controversial figure around here for a quite a few reasons, and this post isn't meant to start a flame war at all, I just wanted to share a time that we all agreed with Koko on something. Here's him completely destroying the long dead Queen of the Separatists:
The Dem party has worked hard to move passed the legacy of Chairperson Zhang-Bryan. Many party purges were done to get former Zhang-Bryanite loyalists out of our leadership and roles within the party. We have worked hard to abandon the Independence movement that we were formerly associated with. We have been supported by and support our blue helmets on the ground across the solar system.

Let me make this clear. Our belief is similar to that of many people of the South Pole, in that we stand with the UN. We do not seek independence from the UN or Earth. We seek to help the UN end the Belter threat and to work with them to deal with the problem of intersolar crime rings and financial crimes. Now, our proposal for relations with the UN, is in fact, more supportive of sticking with them then leaving them.

We stand for a policy of One UN, Two systems. We do not propose leaving the UN, but rather making ourselves equal to Earth in the UN's governance, a similar arrangement to that of Luna or Venus. Mars has proven to be as capable of self-government as those other planets, but is still loyal to the UN and Earth. Mars cannot be without the UN and vice versa.

Funny thing is, I liked that version of Joe a lot better than the current one. You can kinda see a big part of the liar he would end up as in this quote ("Many party purges were done to get former Zhang-Bryanite loyalists out of our leadership" uh, I think you forgot one...), which is why I wanted to start some discussion about it. Do y'all still consider him the only good SIGMACRAT, or are we remembering why we don't trust politicians?

SIGMACRATS :: Link & Discuss (30 comments)

Open Thread
by zars
Sat Aug 18th, 2250 at 23:12:08 EDT

Jibber Jabber time.

Open Threads :: Link & Discuss (91 comments)

Executor: Wawasan Poll
by zars
Sat Aug 18th, 2250 at 19:07:40 EDT

Sponsored by Suara!, conducted by Wawasan, present polling shows:
Veren 22
Janssen 12
Undecided 12
Qiu  10
Zheng 9
Wahoo 9
Chud 7
Amwasser 4
Abe 4
Joe 3

Fully story is here (registration required).

Some analysis from our best election nerds:

Veren being 10 points ahead of Janssen is making our hearts soar. It's still scary to see Ms. Separatism being that high without even announcing yet, if the SIGMACRATS run Joe they might actually be able to destroy the planet (and this forum if it's Veren vs Joe ROFL)

Uneducated voters still don't understand that Qiu isn't running again, and you can probably count on Grandmother Budgethawk being so high just from being tied to him.

The UCPM selling our their already bad beliefs just to be tied with a senile pirate in polling is beautiful, no notes.

John CHUD Brigades and his bumpkin handler are something to watch out for, they might somehow manage to screw over humanity more than the SIGMACRATS already are. The saving grace in this is that Angry Abe is tied with the frontier fetishists, I guess setting up a survelliance state doesn't make you popular, huh?

Diaries :: moar political analysis :: Link & Discuss (102 comments)

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