Mon Aug 20th, 2250 at 00:45:42 MST
Funny (and true) video about the state of affairs on this planet. Uses a pre-sectoral remix of a presidential speech very similar to what we have now:
I highly recommend all DailyZars readers to watch this, it explains exactly why it is imperative to support the Veren campaign. Letting the SIGMACRATIC regime keep their tight grip on the Interior Ministry is the worst possible outcome for continued human progress. We need to kick this government out of power no matter what, or else they'll just keep arresting and killing political opponents. Nepi was just the first shot fired, just wait until they go after Culver and Ronaldson, or even try to purge the government by arresting Veren or, progress forbid, Cocinov.
Would urge you all to look into the truth around the Veren assassination because there's a lot that the government isn't telling us...
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