Video to open your eyes
by zars
Mon Aug 20th, 2250 at 00:45:42 MST

Funny (and true) video about the state of affairs on this planet. Uses a pre-sectoral remix of a presidential speech very similar to what we have now:

I highly recommend all DailyZars readers to watch this, it explains exactly why it is imperative to support the Veren campaign. Letting the SIGMACRATIC regime keep their tight grip on the Interior Ministry is the worst possible outcome for continued human progress. We need to kick this government out of power no matter what, or else they'll just keep arresting and killing political opponents. Nepi was just the first shot fired, just wait until they go after Culver and Ronaldson, or even try to purge the government by arresting Veren or, progress forbid, Cocinov.

Would urge you all to look into the truth around the Veren assassination because there's a lot that the government isn't telling us...

SIGMACRATS :: Link & Discuss (32 comments)

Video to open your eyes | 121 comments (121 topical, 0 editorial, 0 hidden)
Obvious power play (none / 0)

I think that this was a clear powergrab to take out Veren before he got too powerful.  They saw that Veren started to speak out and slipped his leash by voting against KILL, so they wanted to eliminate him quickly and frame the UN. I don't know why the UN played along but my guess is that they care about keeping Mars healthy so they locked up two guys who were already harassing Veren so that they wouldn't have to crack down.

It is really that simple, it seems. Its a political ploy, nothing more.  

DHARMA for Assembly and Current Events Monitor

queue the Janssen flamewars... (none / 0)

...wait for it...

...wait for it...


Zapp Johnson
Editor, Creative Dissonance

In search of a legitimate truth here. (none / 0)

I'm generally of the opinion that the MAFOites were fully in the wrong during the strikes. However, I've seen some consistent arguments here that the government intentionally ignited them to force through the P.E.A.C.E act. But is there any reason not to take the simplest explanation here? Is there any actual reason for the government to jump through so many hoops to cause a bunch of elderly fascists to riot just to push through a bill while they already had a majority?

"You can't talk to the ignorant about lies, since they have no criteria." --Ezra Pound

MAFO truth (none / 0)

I used to think exactly like this until I saw that horrible "beer stunt" that Speaker Janssen pulled. If she's friendly enough with MAFO to go out and get drunk with them, then she's friendly enough to drink with them behind closed doors if you know what I mean.
All of this stuff is too much of a perfect coincidence, it's not that much of a stretch to imagine that MAFO still has lots of friends in government who could tell them to be assh*les and break stuff (all that they're really good at) to let the government have a popular mandate to force KILL through.

This Goes Deep (none / 0)

Have you ever thought about how convienient the whole affair was? Strikes specifically in the Interior, the exact place where Angry Abe was trying to take over? MAFO was clearly following orders from the top...
Really this makes me most concerned about the Veren campaign, with MUP recently endorsing it's now obvious that he's pliable enough for controlled opposition like Ronalds to support. I don't know why this whole forum has fallen for the Schwab Scam again, the only person that I've seen calling out the Veren campaign on this is Assemblyman Acampora (but just by mentioning him you get flamed here)

Where we're going, we won't need grainslop...

Ronalds (none / 0)

What have you got against Ronalds? He's been fighting for the UN longer than any of the "progressives" on this site ever have.

"Let us be clear... questioning the legitimacy of institutions designed to uphold peace and order is a hallmark of sectoralist ideology." --(Jeremy Ronalds)

are you kidding? (none / 0)

Look, I understand your point here, I really do. But Acampora? Has this forum really gotten so desperate for content between elections that we're treating that clown as a legitimate source of... anything??? The man was a brutal dictator during the civil war and I personally have family in Sov who were jailed by him. It disgusts me to see people platforming this man, plus his politics are awful outside of his crimes.
And no. I do not care that this forum's golden boy worked on a failed development bill with him.

I have evidently Energised the Discourse and Made Politics Real Again. -Spider Jerusalem

Wild dogs (none / 0)

The MAFOites are basically a pack of wild dogs that the SIGMACRATS poked with a stick in order to make them freak out and start breaking shit. The comments acting like there was some grand under the table scheme are just more of the dumb conspiracy posting that this forum loves so much.
What people here need to remember is that MAFOites are meatheaded reactionaries who will jump at any chance to hurt people. This goes double for the posters who always find some way to defend them!

Stop the cameras! ARRESTABENOW

bullshit (none / 0)

Now I don't like MAFO as much as the next guy, but that is crap.   Your buying into gov propaganda here and it shows. Yes they did bad things but they were being unfairly treated and were really the first political opponents that Lying Lynda cracked down on.

Also, you never see people "defending" them like you claim, we are simply questioning the narrative that you eat up.

"You are magnificent beyond measure, perfect in your imperfections, and wonderfully made." ~Abiola Abrams

Fitness tests? (3.50 / 4)

Sorry, but beg to differ - strongly.  I watched those MAFO protests myself and the cause of the protests was completely unfair. Part of me feels like that's evidence for the theory about them working for the government, because fitness tests is such a dumb thing to strike about.

It's true that the government was incredibly heavy handed in their response (I'm sure that everyone in this forum can agree, besides a few of our Joe-Heads), but you have to at least admit that something had to be done in the end. I am not defending the government in any way, shape, or form, just to be clear on that. A bad protest is never a justification for the authoritarian separatism that the coalition forced onto all of us because of a few rioters.

Build the Sphere already!

No peaceful solution? (none / 0)

You're serious?  You really don't think that there was a single chance for the government to come to a peaceful agreement?

Come on.  We all know that the government was drawing out the protests in order to get KILL through the assembly, I think it's pretty reasonable to say that they passed up many opportunities to stop the riots. I mean we saw them be receptive to negotation when the Incumbent Alcoholic of the World Assembly got drunk with them instead of governing.

No More MAFOpologia (none / 1)

Come on, we all saw those protests, don't play dumb about that.  

Even in the Beer Summit, for example, they were clearly there with violent intentions. They were burning effigies of the Speaker's head. Now I have a lot of issues with Janssen but you have to respect her for going out into that unsafe space and trying to come to a solution. I think too many people on this site are reflexively against the Democratic Party and are unable to see the actual work that they're doing for Mars.  



Please step in. (none / 0)

Admins, can we finally block LONELION's account? They keep showing up in threads and derailing things, along with harassing other membersm.

The world is on its elbows and knees, It's forgotten the message and worships the creeds. Armageddon days are here again Matt Johnson

PITIFUL (none / 0)


Video to open your eyes | 121 comments (121 topical, 0 editorial, 0 hidden)

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