Janssen Coronation OFFICIAl Discussion Forum
by zars
Wed Oct 19th, 2250 at 23:48:46 EDT

The Democrat primary for Executor (headlined by well known Democrat Jones Hubbard) kicks off. Post your favorite conspiracy theories about how they're going to rig it against Commander/Koko/Whoever you support.

SIGMACRATS :: Link & Discuss (30 comments)

When Koko Joe was right | 121 comments (121 topical, 0 editorial, 0 hidden)
This is a pretty weak Democratic lineup. (none / 0)

I mean half of them aren't even Democrats! Let's break it down:
Actual Democrats
The chair of the Sectoral Defense Agency who barely knew if he was running
The least relevant Joe brother
A man who called for protestors to be shot to death
Trade Unionist #54 because nobody else in that faction remembered to run

Cranks and Grifters
Literally Harvard Griptly
SIGMA's golden boy who clearly forgot what party he was trying to take over
Acampora's wife?
One of Dame Sas's daughters
Martian Degrowther
A dead man?
The literal Vice Premier of Xin Hebei

All of these theatrics just for this to be a coronation for Janssen

Never ever stop fighting for progress. Once you give up, the forces of reaction win and we get set back another 50 years. There's a future ahead of us, you must reach out and grasp it

Acampora's wife (none / 0)

Rachel Graine is actually super cool, she's easily the best of the Graine family.
She does a bunch of charity work and she was a great actress before marrying Acampora. Her stated intention here is to push the party to the left, she's not that bad at all. I'd vote for her over Veren honestly...

Where we're going, we won't need grainslop...

Not Janssen (none / 0)

Koko Joe will win.

LOL (none / 0)

I mean whatever helps you sleep at night.
Sometimes I wish I had the naive optimism of your average forum Joeker, I would love to go through life like this.

Outside Autonomism - home of Large Justice Fever!

Wait who called for protestors to be shot? (none / 0)

I've never heard of this before.

It was Bahool (none / 0)

Official statement from office of Matthias von Bahool regarding recent development in New Jakarta

Shoot the bastards
Nobody brought this up at the time in the media because everyone was freaking out about the Crusader of Martian Nothinghood holding a book fair.
Culver (RIP) made a statement about it which made all the Dharma guys bring it up here and we spent like two days straight posting about a Democrat assemblymxn calling for people to be shot to death in the streets.
This is the party of unity, by the way!

Francisca (none / 0)

Apparently Sas's daughter is a super famous fencer, did not know that!
Considering registering as a Dem just to vote for her, I need to keep my throne as the biggest semi-ironic Sas fan on this forum.

JACK HUNTER (none / 0)

Commanmentum is real and he's basically already won, the rest of the primary is just a show at this point :P

Times are changing (none / 0)

It's been really funny to watch all the former Wilkingmentum posters switch over to The Commander now that Wilkington is probably not running
If I wasn't so attached to my username I would have to change it
Unfortunately I refuse to let the immortal science of Maoism-Wilkingtonism die.

"You folks, just think about your own history; don't bother analyzing Elysian society, just accept what we tell you about it."

What's up with Cardinov (none / 0)

I know about Koko (who doesn't XD), I knew about Clement, I know a little bit about the weird Napoleon kid who's name escapes me...
But what does Cardinov do? Didn't he run for Scamsara leadership way back when?
Keeping up with all the Joes is so tough sometimes

He's a crank. (none / 0)

People forget that even though the Democrat party leadership is stuck in a very banal sort of evil, a lot of Dems are total weirdos
He's one of your weirdo liberal types who thinks that the Democrats aren't doing enough welfare, but haven't figured out that we're in a multiparty system and nobody is forcing you to stick with the Dems.
Fascinating guy, I watched his announcement speech. Pretty good policies, surprisingly, he's just clearly so stuck in his ways that he won't ever do any real progress. One of the best reactionaries though, just also kinda crazy.

He's a psyop (none / 0)

It's pretty obvious what's gonna happen here:
Cardinov is gonna run on a platform of leftism and breaking from Lynda, and try to get a lot of people that don't trust the Dems behind him.
Then, he's gonna come out at the convention and say that Lynda has "changed" and that everyone needs to support her now.

Don't pay any attention to him, he's just a Dem shill trying to sound good to rugpull people.

He's a LION (none / 0)

I love Cardinov dude, I've been following him since he got passed over for leadership after Clement died and he's awesome
I'm surprised that he's not more popular here, because he hates both the Democrats and the rest of his family with a passion. He's gone after the government for basically everything that they've fucked up and he's super consistent on most issues.
Recently I started volunteering for him in Zhurong and his supporters are all great too. Cardinov is probably the best chance to take down the SIGMACRAT elite (outside of the actual election, obviously), and he seems like the type of guy to run on his own if Lynda ends up rigging it for herself, which she probably will in the end :P

Sectoralism is a declaration of war against the entire human race. We receive it eagerly, and we engage accordingly.

Hello fellow unionists!

I'm currently a candidate for the Democratic nomination, and I wanted to go on this forum to show that I'm dedicated to achieving real unity with all sides of the political spectrum

Ask me anything!

Vote Hubbard 2252

Dude, you are not a unionist (none / 0)

I'm not sure who you think you're fooling here
You're quite literally a major member of SIGMA. You guys merged with the MARTIAN HOMELAND PARTY of all people.
(You also aren't a Democrat but that's besides the point.)

I can assure you that I am (none / 0)

I encourage you to look at my platform, I've always been in full support of the current inter-planetary status quo.
Also, on the subject of my party status, it's true that I'm not part of the Democratic party. However, the point of this campaign is to show that there's no need for all the division between parties on Mars.
I'm for greater relations between not just SIGMA and the Democrats, but between SIGMA and all like-minded parties!

Vote Hubbard 2252

This guy is such a specimen (none / 0)

Not only is he probably the only person alive who actually likes the current status of Mars and the UN, but he's also an open unironic SIGMACRAT
At least he's saying the quiet part out loud, good to have some honesty.

Hey didn't you threaten to eat a member of the assembly? (none / 0)

I had to look this up to figure out if it was the same guy but yes, this is the former Deputy Speaker that was so NHPhobic that he put forth a motion to grill and eat Porosja.
I mean... good luck in the primary? Try not to threaten any sophonts outside of the Lowlands :)

Hey I've heard of this guy (none / 0)

The online right is obsessed with him.
He's basically their top guy, I've gotten into so many flamewars with Hubbardists on other forums about NHPS. Genuinely shocked to see him posting here.
Online SIGMA types are convinced that he's the guy to unite the Right wing, they literally think that this guy was removed from assembly leadership by liberal elitists.
I don't want to ask this man anything and I hope that he loses in his primary, I urge people not to engage with him.

Martians cannot govern. - Justice Glorbina von Chudfeld.

Bridging the gap? (none / 0)

See I watched your campaign speech and you mention wanting to bridge the gap between you and the Dems and stop division over stuff like autonomism and religion
Not only do I genuinely don't believe that there's any gap between the Dems and SIGMA left, but voters care about autonomism and religion. The Dems can trick people into thinking that they're unionist, but a full on Sigmacratic party won't be able to.

Build the Sphere already!

Not at all! (none / 0)

First of all, I am very much a unionist.
The pervasive idea here that SIGMA and the Democrats are one and the same is exactly why I chose to run. Our government has shown true unity, and we are the only stable option for Mars.
As for the voters, I am confident that they care more about real issues like terraforming this great planet than an irrelevant culture war.

Vote Hubbard 2252

Unionist huh? (none / 0)

One last question
How many systems?

Build the Sphere already!

I am, yes (none / 0)

I support the doctrine of "Two Planets, One United Nations" as the Coalition agreed on.

Vote Hubbard 2252
HAHAHA (none / 0)

I can't believe I baited the former Deputy Speaker into separatism

Build the Sphere already!
Interesting person running! (none / 0)

AURORA's own Aubrey Selden is going for the nomination

Overall he looks like the best option. Unlikely to win, but watching his performance could show crossover appeal for 2252.

Lyn Marcus Unionist... is this anything?

Honestly? (none / 0)

I wouldn't mind if he somehow won

IN MY OPINION: Selden > Veren

Janssen Coronation OFFICIAl Discussion Forum | 121 comments (121 topical, 0 editorial, 0 hidden)

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