My prediction: deficit!!!
CHEERS! Janssen: riots + separatism
Did he see a ghost or something?
At least Henni looks happy about it LOL Autonomists are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are autonomists. -anonymous
There's got to be enough pork in this to make a whole new copy of Porosja...
I'm sorry for every insult I have flung your way, Grandmother... I'll be the first in line to watch your next duel :P
I don't know why he's yelling about voting on the budget? It's a good thing that he's against PEACE but what's up with this guy, can someone explain?
All the people betting that Dharma wouldn't have something to fight about because Culver's on the committee are gonna have to shell out their wokes LOL
I'm honestly shocked that they tried to sneak a navy in, though. Odds that this amendment passes?
This is clear grandstanding for no reason, it's a big reason why I don't get the Culver love here. I understand that this is a Dharma dominated forum but he's not a great politician.
Are we forgetting that he supported CAGE? Come on.