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Open Thread
by zars
Sat Aug 26th, 2250 at 23:12:08 EDT

Jibber Jabber time: BUDGET EDITION

Open Threads :: Link & Discuss (91 comments)


Open Thread | 121 comments (121 topical, 0 editorial, 0 hidden)
Budget predictions! (none / 0)

Get your bets in people, this is the first budget since they made the mistake of letting a commonly elected legislature get their hands all over it.

My prediction: deficit!!!

My bet (none / 0)

Another 20 trillion wokes to the Ministry of the Interior

total solar war (none / 0)

I predict that the SIGMACRATS will finally cut to the chase and restart the Martian Revolution. 30% of the budget goes to the House Janssen Imperial Navy
Everyone on this board is going to be conscripted into Task Force Koko and we'll all be blown up in the failed orbital invasion of Phobos...

WOW (none / 0)

Hey, do me a favor and predict the NEINBANK lottery numbers for next week :P
Any Zarsers ready to flee to Luna with me to dodge the naval impressment?

It's not a navy. (none / 0)

It's an orbital guard. The UN approves of it.

a deficit???? (none / 0)

The watchful (single) eye of Grandmother Budgethawk puts its fearsome gaze upon you
LOL but seriously, if the Committee managed to squeeze out a deficit then I think our kind Junior Executor may have a few duels to put on her list, this budget will be balanced and you will like it.

Favorite album recently?

So bored waiting for committee to be over...
What have y'all been listening to?

Martians cannot govern. - Justice Glorbina von Chudfeld.

is this even an argument (none / 0)

buddy you picked the worst possible month to ask this question haha
it's clearly will of steel

Unmarried to the Mob Mentality

Will of Steel (none / 0)

I'm listening to Quarter-Pounder Combos as I type this
so good...

"You folks, just think about your own history; don't bother analyzing Elysian society, just accept what we tell you about it."

Honestly.... (none / 0)

Look- I know he killed a lot of people and was a horrible> war criminal.
Some of those old Margonda records still hold up. Just saying!

Build the Sphere already!


Committee members have just re-entered the building, debate will officially start.... NOW!


Janssen: riots + separatism

Oh wow (none / 0)

Culver looks like shit

Did he see a ghost or something?

At least Henni looks happy about it LOL

Autonomists are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are autonomists. -anonymous

Immediate Sas Sass (none / 0)

This is gonna be a long debate session... I warned you that the budget was gonna be balanced no matter what!

What? (none / 0)

The Polars like it, the Dems like it (Even Bahool!), Veren likes it, and both Dharma and MCP were on the committee for it? What secret sauce did they put in this budget?

There's got to be enough pork in this to make a whole new copy of Porosja...

Is Sas about to cry? (none / 0)

You know, I've grown to respect that old bat over this past year. Say what you will, she is dedicated to paying off our debt!

I'm sorry for every insult I have flung your way, Grandmother... I'll be the first in line to watch your next duel :P

Who the fuck is Frank Burke? (none / 0)

I swear to progress... I haven't been following politics as long (or as much) as the other posters here but it feels like this guy came out of nowhere!

I don't know why he's yelling about voting on the budget? It's a good thing that he's against PEACE but what's up with this guy, can someone explain?

Let me tell you a story... (none / 0)

Earlier this year, after Qiu got ran up by a no-name labor leader, our United Nations made the flawed decision it was time to let us dusties vote for a legislature.
Around this time, many Frontier voters angrily noticed that the UN was desperately trying and failing to grant them sapience, so they decided to band together to make their heavily accented voice heard in the Assembly. These specific voters were too cool to stick with one of the many communist parties or the literal "Frontier party" running that year, of course.
When I write "many Frontier voters," I am naturally referring to the 19 frenzied rural nationalists of the region who have taken to creating hundreds of thousands of rabid MPP-supporting shell organizations by using pseudonyms such as Zarp "FREEDOM SHOULD BE FREE" Madison and Reginald "CITIZENS FOR A FREE ARES" Lepper.
Somehow they convinced the voting authorities that they had 10 million votes, mostly from untraceable people named "John Agril" and "Farmer Donotcontact" thereby allowing them to manage to steal 18 seats in our lovely World Assembly.
Now, their hick archon is able to dance around in the middle of the Assembly floor and freak out at the idea of UNTAM being able to spend money on anything other than sending the frontier money as payment for being stupid enough to live in the frontier.

MISSION ACCOMPLISHED: Roza Mira is again profitable.

Well that was fast (none / 0)

We've already got a Culver amendement.

All the people betting that Dharma wouldn't have something to fight about because Culver's on the committee are gonna have to shell out their wokes LOL

I'm honestly shocked that they tried to sneak a navy in, though. Odds that this amendment passes?

Yeah, he's in the committee. (none / 0)

Why not submit it there? What's the point of waiting until the bill is on the floor to do your amendment?.

This is clear grandstanding for no reason, it's a big reason why I don't get the Culver love here. I understand that this is a Dharma dominated forum but he's not a great politician.

Are we forgetting that he supported CAGE? Come on.

Funny you should mention CAGE... (none / 0)

I'm patiently waiting for 2252 so we don't have to deal with autonomists like you ruining this board. See you then!

You should be ashamed (none / 0)

People like you are why Martian Democracy will never work. I hate the progressives on this forum so much sometimes...

LOL (none / 0)

So excited for the coming unionist Majority
Does it count as being "arm-in-arm" with the United Nations when they're carrying you to be rehabilitated after basically calling for self-determination?

Very low. (none / 0)

Unlike most people here, Mars is dedicated to proving ourselves to stand as an equal to the United Nations. Also, it's not a navy, it's an Orbital Guard.

Come on man (none / 0)

I don't give a shit about "standing as an equal", I give a shit about when my next grainslop shipment is arriving.
Plus, wouldn't standing as an equal to the United Nations imply that we aren't part of it anymore? Are you allowed to call for separatism on this forum?

Loving the Congo discussion (none / 0)

If nothing else, this starts a conversation about terraforming! Wish Veren would talk this up more in his campaign, why did he have to be so moderate :(

Cocniov appreciation (none / 0)

So happy to see the massive increases to the sloptions :)
That's it! Just wanted to get that off my chest haha

I have evidently Energised the Discourse and Made Politics Real Again. -Spider Jerusalem

I mean really (none / 0)

He's been right about a lot of things.
This has always been a controversial topic, but he was definitely right about VARfAL
Not sure why they weren't included in CAGE from the start.

[Post Removed] (none / 0)

[This post has been removed for containing personal information about a DailyZars member]

UH MODS? (none / 0)

How the fuck did you know that????

Oh hey it's Veren on the floor (4.00 / 2)

Super interested in what the Coloniae is gonna look like in practice!
I'm very glad that the Star Ruby Ticket is pretty united around this budget. Besides the navy bit I think it's the best we could have physically gotten out of this coalition from hell ;)

Excited to see how the affects the polls! (none / 0)

I wonder who's gonna benefit?

I'll be pessmistic (none / 0)

Spike for the Dems. They're the faces of the government, and most of this budget should be popular.
This is why we need to take to the streets and make our voices heard about the bad parts (cough cough NAVY)

The budget could be better (none / 0)

IDK, I would have loved to see some more welfare. We're in a tough spot as a planet and I think we would be fine to run a deficit

Nah (none / 0)

I've been radicalized. If we have a single dollar of deficit... people are going to die...

WELL (none / 0)

Luckily there is a candidate who WILL run a deficit


please go away (none / 1)

How awesome would it be if we had a mod who banned this guy once and for all?

Open Thread | 121 comments (121 topical, 0 editorial, 0 hidden)

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