Neo New York Elections Thread
by zars
Wed Oct 19th, 2250 at 23:48:46 EDT

Election season in Neo New York just kicked off today, and Mayor Sandmark is too senile to run for a second term. Hopefully this out-of-season race will tide our rabid wonks over until 2252...

SIGMACRATS :: Link & Discuss (30 comments)

When Koko Joe was right | 121 comments (121 topical, 0 editorial, 0 hidden)
Polls look good so far! (none / 0)

24% Promethean Mars
17% Democratic Party of New Iowa
11% New Iowan Union for Religious Freedom & Human Rights
6% Iowa 2 Labor Party
6% Belter United Civic League
5% Dharma Group
4% Popular Labor Coalition
4% Rent Is Too Damn High Party
4% Multisolar Defense League
3% Schwabist Ascension Coalition
3% Elysian Eden Party
3% New Iowan Progressive Party
2% Neo New York Communist Party
2% Freedom Party
Forward! getting a combined 8% gets us in the top 4 parties already which is a huge jump!

Excited to see a nice clean campaign :-)

Build the Sphere already!

Clean? (none / 0)

This is Iowa 2. Nothing is clean there!

Forward? (none / 0)

Not seeing them on the poll...
Dharma is at 5% which seems not great. I'm not very well-versed in New Iowa hahaha

I can help explain (none / 0)

I've lived in NNYC all my life, so apologies if my Martian Creole is mid. Skibidinglish was my first language.
First, just a reminder, the preferred name of the region is Iowa 2. "New Iowa" reminds people of the Occupation. It's not cringe that you said it or anything, just wanted to let you know for the future :D

Dharma and the Progressives have been in a close alliance since the last block elections, they're expected to caucus together so people add them together in polling.
They aren't expected to win by any means, but the Prometheans (the ruling party for the past 20 or 120 years depending on who you ask) are pretty washed so they might be able to make gains this year.

Thanks for the clarification! (none / 0)

!'ll make sure to say the right terms in the future, sorry for any offense given!
Your Martian Creole is great too!

too many parties ugh (none / 0)

Why can't everywhere just have politics like the planetary elections?
There's like 20 labor parties in this one city, I don't understand it. If this isn't very relevant to the planet I might check out.

Well, candidates have just been announced!

The Progs are running some city council lady, I'm surprised that Dharma isn't running its own but I kinda understand that they might not be broad enough
Dems are doing the same (along with getting endorsements from 3 local parties who I don't think actually exist), but the Prometheans and the local SIGMA affiliate decided to run a joint candidate of some crazy guy who moves stuff with his mind. Probably gonna be a polling dropoff...
The belters who supported Sandmark and the belters who supported HTS apparently had some beltsesh in an alleyway and decided to support some guy called Chinese Food. No idea what's going on there.
The communists are running their own guy but they're polling at the same level as the Rent is Too Damn High nominee, which is just LOL
Oh and the local Freedom Party are running some crazy right-winger to get the sectoralist vote.

Overall: I don't understand this city but I'll try to think of some way to predict 2252 from this mess I swear.

Martians cannot govern. - Justice Glorbina von Chudfeld.

There's no way that "Chinese Food" is actually his name (none / 0)

Ok, I just looked it up and apparently it is?
What is wrong with the belt...

It's a cultural thing (none / 0)

I dated a belter guy named McRib once

Man why even admit that (none / 0)

Come on.

Who even is Anna Rewang? (none / 0)

This is some no-name councilwomxn who hasn't even shown up to work in a year haha.
Like I understand wanting to have someone untouched by city politics, but this is a bit much

Nah (none / 0)

Probably gonna be a polling dropoff

This is Neo New York. People love stuff like that here

What does a "beltsesh" entail, exactly? (none / 0)

The hair on the back of my neck stood up when I read that

Build the Sphere already!

Shh (none / 0)

We do not discuss it with outsiders

Monthly catchup for this thread (none / 0)

The Democrats have started openly busing in voters to rig the election

The Freedom Party and Chinese Food both independently invented the idea of a "burger dole" for fat belters to eat. Apparently Chinese Food was friends with Griptly?

Someone (literally could have been anyone) blew up one of the buses and nobody cared. Neary claimed responsibility and then started doing better in the polls

Culver has turned into a paranoid wreck, Rewang has still not showed up in the city so he's been carrying around an oil painting of her to his rallies. I hope this forum is ready for Acting Chair Hsu...

Neary got actually murdered in a duel by the PMC candidate, who was so far off of our radar that I don't even know their name.

Mayor Sandmark is still so senile that I don't think he even knows about any of this.

Autonomists are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are autonomists. -anonymous

Mass psychosis? (none / 0)

I have no idea what is going on in this city

This is so confusing

Okay, but this is being rigged by SIGMACRATS right? (none / 0)

I wouldn't go nearly as far as Mx. Culver, but this whole thing just screams fishy to me.

The Flight of the Pollster (none / 0)

They're all gone. All of them. How are we supposed to obsess over new polling drops now??? All we have is Greg the Shaman. This is the biggest setback the wonkthreads have faced for as long as I've been posting here...

And I'm still not sure what it means to be "foggy"

Burger Dole? (none / 0)

You know...

I always wondered if Belters had their own Cocinov. Would have never expected him to not only exist, but live here and also be named Chinese Food for some reason


I have no idea how but Neary just visited all my NNYC relatives in their dreams. Some reality tunnel situation. He's still running, despite the whole thing with him being killed in an alleyway

Here's a MarsMail I got from my Aunt:

In my dream, a tall figure with parted grey hair greeted me, saying: 'I'M NOT DROPPING OUT. VENGEANCE WILL BE MINE. HORRIBLE PAIN. JUSTICE WILL BE DONE' It seemed I had died and could see myself laid upon a table lit by candles. But with my own hands I touched the figure, and the figure drew breath, opened eyes, and rose from the table. Then the room was gone, and the world filled with light, and I awoke.

I don't think this is... possible? Physically? But Neary is still in the race!

The Sleepers Awake (none / 0)

Is campaigning through the dream network covered by campaign finance laws? I think every single rule of UNTAM politics has gone out the window here honestly, I'll just sit back and enjoy the ride.

an election for the spirit of the city (none / 0)

What did that Rewang statement mean? She's talking about returning when the city has found its truth...

I asked my local Dharma Group branch what was going on and apparently they lost contact with the Iowa 2 guys a couple weeks back

Does anyone know what's gong on?????

Vote Rewang bro (none / 0)

We need to find out how this ends.

Like Culver is already DOA the second he leaves the city, I just wanna see where this goes. Art thou bored?

Culver Defense Squad (none / 0)

What do us Culver fans do now that he's fully insane?
Like he's still our guy obviously, do we just say "Oh, but he wrote the Navy to Welfare amendment" or do we just start actively defending him

It's Over (none / 0)

You can't really come back from trying to break into a polling station, even though I'm sure many of our wonks have fantasized about that :p
Plus, if you have to fall back on an amendment that wasn't even let onto the docket to defend him then you might have to find a new politician (And yes I know that the Speaker violated the Rules Resolution in that but the fact is that it still didn't see voting)

FUCK (none / 0)




Is Culver asleep? (none / 0)

Also these results are not looking good man
What caused the PMC-WEEP?? Nobody predicted this
At least the Dems are getting screwed

Yeah lol (none / 0)

I have a friend who's working as an aide and they told me they got him on Nitrous to avoid any incidents

Dude. (none / 0)

We are not getting past that 0.5% ceiling next election I swear.

FALLING DOWN (none / 0)

Chinese Food just called for all Nephews to kill their Uncles.
Helga is in the lead
The Dems are also calling for killings of all of their enemies
Culver is passed out on camera
Neary's ghost might be calling for killings but it's really unclear honestly

Eh. (none / 0)






I am an avatar of Human Progress

What the fuck???? (none / 0)

Dude you can't be posting like this!
Holy shit we are so dead.

Holy shit Bigly and Helga both just declared victory (none / 0)

The MCP of all people are calling for riots, everything is falling apart. Griptly's office just made an announcement for the first time since the grinning. I think the Mufti might be getting involved somehow? I thought this was going to be an election thread!

INSTANTLY (none / 0)

I just checked the news, Von Bahool made a statement calling for people to vote for the Dems in 2252 because of this. YOU RUN THE GOVERNMENT FUCKING DO SOMETHING!

Bahool has been noted down (none / 0)

Former Colleague. Betrayals. Hima nd the Shaman both. Can't type for long, must keep moving

I am an avatar of Human Progress

Oh my god it's getting worse (none / 0)

Culver just brought out effigies of Bahool and the Shaman

I have no idea how he got them so fast. Von Bahool is immediately trying to score political points off of this (obviously)
Sas is calling fraud because Fishtank didn't win which is just funny, I have no idea what she was doing in the city in the first place. Really she's the only moral side here.

The effigy is gonna be rough (none / 1)

Culver is already close to city hall and Chinese Food has declared himself Mayor. I think that Culver might be fighting for Chinese Food? No idea what the alliances here look like, I think people are just breaking stuff for the sake of it.
Suara! is showing armed Nephews everywhere, things are looking rough.

KILL (none / 0)

Hey any NNYC zarsers wanna meet up and break stuff? I'm headed to the entrance to Schiller Borough

what the fuck is wrong with all of you (none / 0)

just thought i'd add that i've reported everyone in this thread including myself

Heck yeah, mxn (none / 0)

I'll be there in 10 :)

Well, that's it (none / 1)

Culver has been expelled from Dharma. Who knows what the aftershock of this is gonna be in the party but expect a lot of meetings. I wonder if he's still in this thread to share his thoughts? zars can you confirm?

Locking this thread. (none / 0)

Was he actually posting during the riot where he was making death threats about politicians? This is going to be such a headache. I'm going to lock this whole thread down before things get worse and I end up with the Interior Ministry knocking at my airlock.

When Koko Joe was right | 121 comments (121 topical, 0 editorial, 0 hidden)

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